Please could we now ask you to take a minute & read through the below info to help us maintain a fun/safe club for everyone to enjoy.
Code of Conduct for SWIMMERS
The aim of these codes (each, a "Code") is to establish a set of guidelines which outlines the responsibilities and behavior of Swimmers involved with camelford stingers Swimming Club (the "Club"). This Code has been written in accordance with specific ASA Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures contained within the Wavepower manual. (Details of Wavepower can be found on the ASA website.)
General Behaviour
Treat all members of the club with due respect including: Fellow swimmers, coaches and officials.
Treat all competitors and representatives from competing clubs with respect.
Bullying in any form (whether that be Emotional (which includes, excluding), Physical, Racist, Sexual, Homophobic and Verbal (including written telephonic and electronic communications (including (without limitation) on Facebook, Twitter or other “Social Media”), but not limited to these), will not be tolerated and could result in action being taken through the club or ASA disciplinary policy and procedures.
Abide by social laws and values - use of alcohol is prohibited by all under 18 years of age.
Behave in an honest and respectful manner to fellow swimmers, officials, coaches and other members of the public
Swimming training
Arrive for training and competition on time, prepared and with the correct kit as requested by the Coach. Do not enter the water until the coach has instructed you to do so.
Inform the Coach before the start of training if you have any illness / injury which may affect your training.
Look at and listen to the Coach when they are speaking and follow the instructions given in training and at
Behave appropriately in the water. Do not sit or pull on lane ropes or disrupt/hinder other swimmers
Conform to lane etiquette
Notify the team selectors / Coach as soon as possible if you cannot attend a gala for which you have been selected. Be proud to wear your team kit.
If swimming for your club, stay with your team on poolside. Inform the coach or team manager where you are going if you leave the poolside.
Do and say nothing that will bring the Club into disrepute.
Personal conduct must at all times be of a high standard and reflect favourably on the sport and the Club. Bad
language in any situations involving the club is not acceptable.
Speak to the Coach, at an appropriate time, to get feedback after every race.
Enjoy your swimming and be a good sport whether you win or lose.
Performance enhancing drugs and alcohol are strictly forbidden. Swimmers are expected to be aware of the current
list of banned substances and particular care must be exercised if anyone is on medication prior to or during a competition.
• Illegal drugs and substances: The use of these is prohibited. Should such a situation arise, it will be referred directly to the ASA for advice.
Breaches of the Code
Breaches of the Code for Swimmers will be dealt with in the first instance by the Coach, if appropriate. This may include a verbal warning followed by sitting out for a ‘time out’. The Coach may also require the swimmer to get dressed and sit back on poolside, if a parent or other responsible adult is not present. If the Coach considers the breach (or breaches) merits this, the Coach will report the incident to the Chairman or Welfare Officer of the Club’scommittee.
Sanctions for breach of any Code may be considered by the committee and include a verbal or written warning or suspension from Club activities.
Code of Conduct for PARENTS
The aim of these codes (each, a "Code") is to establish a set of guidelines which outlines the responsibilities and behaviour of Parents involved with Camelford stingers Swimming Club (the "Club"). This Code has been written in accordance with specific ASA Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures contained within the Wavepower manual. (Details of Wavepower can be found on the ASA website.)
Parents are expected to:
Encourage your child to swim, never force them.
Ensure your child is on the poolside on time for training with the correct kit.
Ensure that you or another adult nominated by you are there on time at the end of the session to pick up your
child. The Club is unable to supervise the changing areas. Coaches cannot be responsible for your child if you
are late or if there is no other adult present who is taking responsibility for them. Parents / guardians of all children under 10yrs old must stay on the premises at all times during the session. If you leave an older child and you will be responsible for collecting them, please inform the Coach and ensure that you have left your contact details with another parent of a swimmer in the same squad before you leave. You must also inform that parent if you cannot be back before the end of the session. The Club accepts it has a duty of care to look after an unattended swimmer in unforeseen circumstances but should this be repeated or regular, necessary action would need to be taken.
Ensure that the Club has up to date contact (including emergency contact) numbers for you and any alternative person.
Ensure that the Club has an up to date Medical form & Contact Number. Any changes in the state of the child’s health should be reported to the coach prior to coaching sessions.
Do not interrupt the Coach while coaching unless asked to do so or in an emergency. If you wish to speak to the coach about your child, please speak to them at the start, or end, of a session to arrange a suitable time.
In your dealings with your child's Coach, treat the Coach with respect and in the same manner as you would wish to be treated.
Focus on your child’s efforts rather than winning or losing.
Provide positive verbal feedback after training and competition.
Be realistic about your child’s ability; do not push them beyond that which they are capable of achieving.
Take an interest in your child’s progress by watching training sessions and galas.
Show appreciation of good swimming by all swimmers from all clubs.
Respect decisions made by coaches and officials and encourage swimmers to do the same.
Keep payments of Club, ASA registration and entry fees up to date.
Bullying in any form (whether that be Emotional (which includes, excluding), Physical, Racist, Sexual, Homophobic and Verbal (including written telephonic and electronic communications (including (without limitation) on Facebook, Twitter or other “Social Media”), but not limited to these), will not be tolerated.
The parent has a right to:
Make a complaint to the club if they feel the club or a member of the club is not acting appropriate to
ASA/Club laws and rules.
Make a complaint on behalf of their child to the ASA.
All disputes within the club will be dealt with in accordance with the Internal Club
Disputes Procedure (see section 6 of the Constitution). Details of the procedures to be followed can be found
in the ASA Judicial Regulations 150 and 151. This can also be found on the ASA website.
In some circumstances a failure by a non-member parent to follow the code may result in disciplinary action having to be taken against a swimmer (s) of the parent. Breaches of the Code for Parents by parents will be reported to the Chairman or Welfare Officer of the Club's committee and dealt with in accordance with ASA policy and procedures.
Copies of our Club Rules/Constitution, Club Child Protection Policy, Club Complaints Procedure, Club Equity Policy can be found on the Club’s website here (click link)
It may be essential at some time for the Club Coach or Team Manager accompanying your child to have the necessary authority to obtain any urgent treatment, which may be required whilst at a competition, Would you therefore please sign at the end of this form to give your consent should the situation arise for medical attention.
Being the parent/carer of the above named child i hereby give permission for the Coach or Team Manager to give the immediately necessary authority on my behalf for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be contrary to my child’s interest, in the doctor’s medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent.
Camelford Stingers Swimming club may wish to take photographs of individual and groups of swimmers under the age of 18 that may include your child during their membership of the club. All photographs will be taken and published in line with the ASA Photography Policy. Camelford Stingers Swimming club requires parental consent to take and use all photographs, Parents have a right to refuse agreement to their child being photographed.
As the parent or carer of the above child please Sign below in respect of your child. Please note you can withdraw your consent in writing to the club Welfare Officer at any time should you wish to.
Once your child has completed the trial sessions and is happy to join our treasurer will send an invoice across for a joining fee & ask a standing order in in place.
Standing Orders - we would prefer these to be received on the 1st of each month.
The first standing orders must be in place once the x3 £5 trial sessions have been completed.
A late payment/ administration fee of £10 will be charged, per swimmer if the first standing order is not received on or by the 1st of each month.
Please ensure a standing order is set up to come out on the 1st of each month - thank you!!